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Q. How do you get rid of hair tangles without pulling out more hair?

A. We may love having long hair, but unfortunately some of us are prone to tangles / knots. When I was a child I hated having tangles because my scalp was sensitive and it flaming hurt getting them out! Tugging at those knots can really damage your hair and inflame the scalp contributing to damage, hair loss and difficulty growing the hair.

Here are my top tips for getting rid of those nasty tangles:

1.  Always use a conditioner: If conditioner isn’t used after shampooing, hair becomes frizzy. All the negative regions of the hair repel each other and you end up looking like been electrocuted. You need the cationic surfactants in your conditioner to counteract this effect and prevent the build up of static electricity. The conditioners that have the most cationic surfactants are the pack conditioners that you usually leave on your hair for around 5 mins. The ones with the least are "leave-in" conditioners.

Effect of surfactants in hair conditioner. Tangled hair

2.  Do not comb when wet: Hair is at it's most vulnerable when wet, any action on it could damage the hair. If you can get away with it, dry naturally and then style. 

3. Detangle from the bottom up: Try not to use a comb to detangle your hair, use your fingers to gengtly ease them. If you need to use a comb, use a wide tooth comb and start with small, light strokes from the bottom section of the hair. Don't tug through, ease the knot from the bottom lightly. You could use a detangling spray if required.


Did you know that you can make your own detangling spray at home?

diy hair detangler


All you need is:

  • Spray bottle
  • Your favourite conditioner
  • Warm water
  • Essential oil of your choice (that compliments the scent of your conditioner)

Add ~ 3 tablespoons of your favourite conditioner to the bottle

Fill up with warm water (warm/hot helps to mix with conditioner properly)

add 3 drops of your chosen essential oil.

Put the lid on and shake!

Hope you enjoyed our Detangling tips! If you did, please comment and/or share with your friends.

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Please Note: 

Information provided in the Q & A is opinion of the consultant. If you require medical advice, please see your healthcare practitioner. Should we use your Question in media, your name and details will remain confidential and not be shared with anyone else.


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