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Ingredient focus - Castor oil
Harnessing the Power of Castor Oil
5 Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair Loss
and Its Impact on DHT
Castor oil is one of the main ingredients in...
Castor oil
Damaged hair
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Female Pattern baldness
Food for Hair
Growth Oil
Hair breakage
Hair care
Hair Growth
Hair Growth oil
Hair Loss
Hair tips
Ingredient Focus
Male Pattern baldness
Nutrients for Hair growth
Scalp massage
Stronger hair
Thinning hair
Vitamins and Minerals
Weak hair

Ingredient Focus - The Sunshine Vitamin "D"
5 Remarkable Benefits of Vitamin D on Hair Growth and Hair Loss
Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a vital role in vari...

It's not a Trick! Pumpkins can be a real Treat for your Hair and Health!
Pumpkin Hair Benefits
Besides its benefits in skincare, pumpkin offers several benefits for your hair, thanks to its rich nutritional value. As w...

10 Top Tips for Growing your hair Really Long!
How to make your hair grow faster!
Get inspired by these hot celebs and get you hair growing to mermaid worthy length!
1. Remember that it ca...

Hairy Berry - Summer smoothie to Super Power your hair growth!
Super Power your hair growth
with this Hairtastic summer smoothie packed full of goodness! Proteins, Healthy fats, Anti-oxidants and nutrients ...